


2014-4-9 11:18| 编辑:电工学习网| 查看: 8730| 评论: 0

平常的一天,遇到了稍显尴尬却也引起了我反思的一个热线 Case 。其实用户的问题简单得不能再简单了:请问一下九十年代时西门子 WinCC 之前的一个监控软件叫什么?
 COROS 西门子早期基于 DOS 及 Windows3.x 操作系统上的人机界面组态软件。我所能找到相关的信息:
The  COROS  LS-A  System  Software  will  be  type  deleted  from 30.9.1995 and will not be replaced.
Product Phase-Out: COROS LS-C on 07/01/2003
After extensive use and long operating time of the hmi system COROS LS-C since 1986, the operator stations and communication processors of COROS LS-C will be phased out on 07/01/2003 without further notification.
Product Phase-Out: COROS LS-B on 10/01/2003
After extensive use and long operating time of the HMI system COROS LS-B since 02/06/1992, the operator stations and communication processors of COROS LS-B will be phased out on 10/01/2003 without further notification.
从 02 年起, COROS 完全被定义为老产品,热线服务就已经不提供免费的服务了:
"Older Products" Technical Support for COROS beginning 04/01/2002
In the future as well, we will offer our customers fast and competent support for the old systems COROS LS-A, -B and -C or IS-C. This "Older Products" technical support service ensures function and handling support for the COROS systems. Sales-related inquiries pertaining to COROS systems- such as replacement products or order numbers - are not handled by this service. The "Older Products" technical support is billed at a flat rate of 200 Credits, i.e. 200 Credits are subtracted from the Automation Value Card balance.
在 COROS 发展的同时, WinCC 就已经迈开了脚步:
WinCC V1.0 1996
For Only selected customer
WinCC V1.1 1996.8
SIMATIC WinCC Version 1.1 is released for sale in all ZNs and German speaking LGs with immediate effect. The product is now ready for general release after the introduction of WinCC V1.0 to a limited number of specially selected customers.
WinCC V1.11 1996.8
With immediate effect, SIMATIC WinCC (TM) Version 1.11 is released for sale and delivery in all ZN's and European LGs. Following the targeted introduction of WinCC V1.0 for selected customers, the wider marketing can now begin.
WinCC V3.0 1997.3
Continuation from SIMATIC HMI aktuell Nr.1997/014.
WinCC V3.1 1997.6
SIMATIC WinCC V3.1 as Software (System software, Update, Power-pack, Options) and as Operator-Station OS57/WinCC and OS77/WinCC is released for sale and delivery in all ZN4s and LG4s.
WinCC V3.1 is released for Windows 95 and Windows NT V4.0.
WinCC V4.0 1998.1
With immediate effect, SIMATIC WinCC V4.0 is released for sale as a software package (System Software, Upgrade, Powerpack, Options) and as Operator Stations OS57/WinCC in all ZNs and LGs.
WinCC V4.0 is released for Windows 95 and Windows NT V4.0.
WinCC V4.0 China/ TaiWan/ Korea 1998.7
As from July 1998 WinCC 4.0 with Service Pack 1 can be supplied in a Chinese language version. This version does not contain any functional extensions compared to the current European version.
至此,WinCC 终于有了中文版。
WinCC V5.0 1999.8
WinCC version V5.0 is released with immediate effect.
The only operating system platform approved for Version 5.0 of WinCC is Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 or SP5.
出现了 WinCC TIA
With version V5.0 of WinCC, a further step is taken towards Totally Integrated Automation (TIA).                           Assuming that STEP7 and WinCC are installed on a PC (single-user system) and that the WinCC project is integrated in the context of an S7 project.
WinCC V5.0 SP2 Asia 2001.10
Effective immediately, WinCC Version 5.0 + SP2 is delivered in the languages Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean.
WinCC V5.0 SP2 is released for the operating systems Windows NT 4.0 SP5/SP6 and Windows 2000 SP1
看到了这个年份回想起了当年自己刚入自动化门儿时的青葱岁月。也是在这一年我第一次接触到了组态软件,可我却不是工程师。当时单位的领导派我跟随调试队伍去帮用户调试轧机,负责自控部分的是北京的一家集成商。到了现场我每天的工作就是站在调试工程师的身后看着他忙碌地通过 WinCC 设置着各种参数,输入着代码,直到最后看着操作人员通过他所组态的界面操作着轧机将钢带轧制成型,我也没有机会亲手操作一下软件。当时心里最强烈的一个念头就是我什么时候也能背上笔记本电脑成为一名真正的工程师到现场为用户调试,通过自己组态的界面让机器转起来。
WinCC V5.1 2002.2
Effective immediately, WinCC Version 5.1 is available for delivery. Among other things, this version contains the following function expansions:
WinCC V5.1 replaces WinCC V5.0 + SP2.
WinCC V5.1 is released for the operating systems Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and Windows 2000 SP2 in conjunction with the Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.
到了这一年,我终于在一个机缘巧合的机会中背上了笔记本去做项目了,也正好负责的是上位组态软件的开发和调试,可是软件不是 WinCC 。
WinCC V5.1 Asia 2002.9
Effective immediately, the Asian version of the PC-based HMI software SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 is available for delivery.
WinCC V5.1 SP2 2004.5
SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 SP2 is released for use under the following MS operating systems:
 Windows NT4 SP6a: Workstation, Server
 Windows NT4 SP6a + SRP (Security Rollup Package): Workstation, Server
 Windows 2000 SP2: Professional, Server, Advanced Server
 Windows 2000 SP3: Professional, Server, Advanced Server
 Windows 2000 SP4: Professional, Server, Advanced Server (*1*)
WinCC V6.0 SP1 Asia  2003.11
Effective immediately, the Asian version of the PC-based HMI software SIMATIC WinCC V6.0 SP1 is available for delivery.
WinCC V6.0 SP2 Asia  2004.8
Effective immediately, the Asian version of the PC-based HMI software SIMATIC WinCC V6.0 SP2 ASIA is available for delivery.
WinCC V6.0 SP3 Asia  2005.9
即刻生效,SIMATIC WinCC V6.0 SP3 ASIA已经发布可以供货。作为一个独立的产品和完全版本,SIMATIC WinCC V6.0 SP3 ASIA用于替代其上一版本SIMATIC WinCC V6.0 SP2 ASIA。
WinCC V6.2 2006.12
SIMATIC WinCC V6.2现在可立即供货。作为一个独立的产品和完整的版本,SIMATIC WinCC V6.2替代了它的前续版本SIMATIC WinCC V6.0。可以通过从WinCC V5以及WinCC V6.0进行更新来获得SIMATIC WinCC V6.2。WinCC V6.0 SP4和WinCC V6.0 SP2仍然持续供货以用于系统扩展。在WinCC全面支持范围内,将自动进行供货。
也是在这一年,我投身了西家门下,也继续着我的工控之路,陪着 WinCC 继续成长和发展。
WinCC V6.2 SP2 2007.11
即时生效,SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP2 已发布供货。作为一个独立的产品和完整的版本,SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP2 取代了它的前续版本 SIMATIC WinCC V6.2。SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 的销售随 SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP2 的发布供货而终止。
SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP3 供货发布,立即生效。作为一个单独的产品和完整版本,SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP3 取代之前的版本 SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP2。当 SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP3 可用时,即停止销售 SIMATIC WinCC V6.2 SP2。
SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 2008.6
即时生效,SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 已发布,可立即供货。
SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP1 发布供货,立即生效。SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP1 作为单独的产品和完整版本,可立即替换其紧邻的前续产品 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0。SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP1 供货后,停止销售 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0。
SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2 2010.10
SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2 已供货发布,立即生效。SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2 作为单独的产品和完整版本,可立即替换其直接的前续产品 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP1。SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2 供货后,将停止销售 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP1。
SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP3/WinCC V7.0 SP3 ASIA 2012.1
从即刻起,SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP3/WinCC V7.0 SP3 ASIA 已投放市场。 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP3/WinCC V7.0 SP3 ASIA 是独立而完整的软件产品,将取代其前面的软件版本 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2/WinCC V7.0 SP2 ASIA。 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2 自 SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP3/WinCC V7.0 SP3 ASIA 开始供货起停止销售。
SIMATIC WinCC V7.2 和 SIMATIC WinCC V7.2 ASIA 现已上市发布。SIMATIC WinCC V7.2/WinCC V7.2 ASIA 是一个独立的完整版产品。SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP3/WinCC V7.0 SP3 ASIA 仍可以订购。
至此 WinCC 已走过了近 20 年的历程。做个小小的预告:功能更强大更玄的V7.3 还将在年内发布。




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